21-30 of 63 results
The effect of macadamia nuts on cardiometabolic risk factors and adiposity: a randomised intervention study (MC17005)
This investment built upon the scientific evidence base on the health benefits of macadamias.
10 November 2021
Food safety training, extension and capacity for the melon industry – phase 2 (VM18003)
This investment strengthened food safety systems of the Australian melon industry by supporting best practice adoption across the supply chain.
10 September 2021
Educating health professionals (AL16007)
This investment increased health professionals’ awareness of the role Australian almonds play in a healthy diet.
10 September 2021
Mushrooms and their potential health benefits of lowering blood cholesterol (MU20001)
This project is generating scientific evidence on mushrooms and their ability to lower blood cholesterol.
17 August 2021
Educating healthcare professionals on Australian melons (VM20003)
This project educated healthcare professionals (HPs) about the nutritional benefits of melons and supported the recommendation of melons by HPs to their clients, ultimately increasing melon purchase and consumption.
3 October 2024
Nuts for Life – Educating health professionals (HN19000)
This project funded the Nuts for Life program, which has reduced the gap between Australia’s current average daily consumption of 7 grams of nuts per person per day and the recommended consumption of 30 grams.
23 August 2023
Phenomenom - The Good Mood Food Module (ST19041)
This project, which was completed during 2020, expanded the number of Phenomenom resources available by adding a module that educates children, parents and teachers on the beneficial mood effects of a diet and lifestyle encompassing horticulture products.
22 February 2021
Extension and adoption for food safety, quality and risk management (MU20000)
This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry
19 February 2021
Pathogen persistence from paddock to plate (VG16042)
This project investigated the risk of microbial contamination of vegetable crops from the use of pre-harvest water and untreated animal manure.
10 September 2020
Educating health professionals about Australian olive products (OL17002)
This project communicated the research-backed evidence on the health benefits of olives to an audience of health professionals, through the Olive Wellness Institute.
28 February 2020