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Completed project Final Research Report

Improving safety of vegetable produce through on-farm sanitation, using electrolysed oxidising (EO) water (VG15068)

This project investigated whether ‘electrolysed oxidising’ or ‘EO’ water can be used to increase the quality of vegetable irrigation water.

30 July 2020

Completed project

Food safety for the Australian mushroom industry (MU16005)

This project has examined the potential for contamination of fresh whole and sliced mushrooms a mushrooms by human pathogens

30 August 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Boosting vegetable consumption through diet (VegeEze) (VG16071)

A mobile app for encouraging vegetable consumption, VegEze, was developed by this investment, which also delivered insights into how technology can be used to support vegetable use

9 August 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

A revolutionary new sensor for in-field measurements of food safety in leafy vegetables (VG13073)

This project aimed to construct a working prototype of a new-generation Raman sensor to detect dangerous microorganisms in leafy vegetables.

1 August 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Healthy homes index (NY16008)

This project drew on the existing literature on the benefits of having plants indoors and synthesised this knowledge into a scale of plant benefits which was then used in the development of the Plant Life Balance smartphone app for consumers.

28 September 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Bridging the knowledge-gap to breed high-value, flavonoid-rich apples (AP12036)

This project investigated opportunities to grow more nutritious apple varieties, with a focus on breeding and selecting for new flavonoid-rich apples.

13 June 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Research and education of health professionals relating to the health benefits of almond consumption (AL12001)

This project communicated almond health research and evidence to Australian health professionals through events and resources.

6 January 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Economic modelling of the impact of increased vegetable intake on health costs and grower returns (VG15031)

This project modelled the impact of increased vegetable consumption on grower returns and also on government health expenditure.

29 July 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Development of a vegetable education kit (VG13089)

The development of a vegetable education resource for use in Australian schools was progressed under this project.

22 March 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Identifying and understanding the factors influencing bioactive levels in vegetables (VG14027)

This project added information on phytonutrients found in vegetables to the Veggycation online education platofrm, which helps communicate the health benefits of Australian vegetables.

8 March 2016