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Completed project Final Research Report

Impact of improved inter-row management on productivity, soils and greenhouse gas emissions in apple and cherry orchards (MT12047)

The impact of improved inter-row management in apple and cherry crops was assessed through this project, in relation to greenhouse emissions and productivity.

5 February 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Metropolitan urban forestry (NY17005)

Education on the benefits of green space and investigation into metro and state urban greening policies and progress were conducted through this project.

9 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Integrating plant life into building and infrastructure rating tools (NY16007)

Evidence of the benefits of vegetation and green spaces in built environments was consolidated by this project and communicated to relevant audiences, including the developers of sustainable building rating tools.

9 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

202020 Vision training/capacity building program (NY16009)

An outreach program designed to ensure that key stakeholders know about the nursery industry’s 202020 Vision to increase urban green space

6 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Managing almond production in a variable and changing climate (AL14006)

This project involved a detailed analysis of climate across Australian almond growing regions and trials to identify and prioritise risks arising from climate change as well as developing ways to manage expected problems

19 June 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Where should all the trees go? – delivering the insights (NY17000)

This project delivered workshop-style 'Green Light Tour' information sessions across Australia that communicated the results of an earlier study into the impact of tree canopy cover on socio-economic status and well-being to industry leaders, landscape architects, government department staff and other relevant stakeholders.

19 September 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Healthy homes index (NY16008)

This project drew on the existing literature on the benefits of having plants indoors and synthesised this knowledge into a scale of plant benefits which was then used in the development of the Plant Life Balance smartphone app for consumers.

28 September 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Developing a national standard for turf as an erosion control measure (TU13034)

This project developed an Australian Standard for the use of turf in erosion control in construction management, completed works, and any other situations where turf may assist in erosion control.

14 August 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Where should all the trees go? Investigating the impact of tree canopy cover on socio-economic status and wellbeing in local government areas (NY16005)

This project revealed changes in canopy cover in Australian local government areas, identifying priority areas for greening and monitoring progress towards the nursery industry’s 202020 Vision goal.

4 August 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

EnviroVeg program for promoting environmental best practice in the Australian vegetable industry (VG12008)

EnviroVeg - the vegetable industry's environmental best practice management program - was supported by this investment between 2012 and 2017.

3 January 2017