51-60 of 92 results
Australian citrus industry innovation and market development program (CT15012)
This investment supported a range of personnel to help develop a globally competitive and well-informed citrus industry to reliably supply product that satisfies market requirements
7 December 2018
Export facilitators (VG16085)
This program supported the roles and activities of export facilitators across Australia’s vegetable growing regions, to help growers capitalise on export opportunities.
30 December 2020
Removing barriers of food safety certification for vegetable exporters though GLOBALG.A.P. co-certification (VG16019)
This project helped streamline compliance processes for Australian vegetable growers accessing export markets.
5 December 2018
Implementing brown sugar flotation (BSF) for assuring freedom of fruit from Qfly (CY16011)
This project has further developed methods of brown sugar flotation testing for Queensland fruit fly eggs and larvae in cherries
8 March 2019
Citrus fruit export China and Japan (CT17005) (CT17005b)
This investment was about bolstering opportunities for and value of Australian citrus in Asian markets.
31 October 2018
Methyl bromide disinfestation of cherries for Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) (CY16009)
This project was tasked with providing a data package on the use of methyl bromide as a post-harvest disinfestation fumigant for Queensland fruit fly on cherries.
31 March 2020
Export readiness and market access (CY16004)
Cherry export training, registration, audit and strategy activities were supported by this project, along with market access activities including trade missions.
8 November 2019
Apple and pear export readiness and market access (AP17002)
This investment improved apple and pear industry readiness, knowledge and technical capabilities around export, and delivered work to improve and maintain international market access.
21 March 2022
Developing US market access based on irradiation and methyl bromide (CY16012)
This project looked at opening market access for Australian cherries into the US, based on using irradiation as an alternative end-point treatment
2 October 2018
Potential impact of Chilean and Peruvian avocado imports for the Australian avocado industry (AV17004)
This investment delivered a fact-based assessment of the potential impact on the Australian avocado industry, should market access be granted for Chilean and Peruvian avocados.
28 September 2018