81-90 of 92 results
Asian market access study tours 2014 (AP14701)
This 2014 project allowed apple and pear industry representatives to attend trade events and market access meetings in China.
27 January 2016
Export market scoping study for the lychee industry (LY13003)
This project investigated opportunities to increase export of Australian lychees, developing understanding of new market opportunities and the export supply chain.
16 November 2015
Market analysis and strategy: broccoli to Japan (VG13048)
This project looked at the potential for Australian broccoli exports to Japan and ultimately contributed to the re-introduction of broccoli to the Japanese market in 2015.
26 October 2015
New onion protocols to assure viability of European exports (VN10001)
Factors influencing the quality of onions along the export pathway to Europe were assessed in this project, which developed recommendations for building resilience.
25 September 2015
Physiology of onion bulbs destined for export markets (VN12000)
This research investigated the role that both pre-harvest growth and development factors and post-harvest mechanical impacts play in maintaining robustness of onions for export.
18 August 2015
Red blue beetle table grape disinfestation research (TG13002)
This project investigated management strategies for accidental insect pest contamination in export consignments of table grapes, with a focus on red and blue beetles, long-tailed mealy bugs and lady bird beetles.
8 July 2015
Apple and pear industry Asian export market development (AP11023)
This project, which ran from 2012 to 2015, worked to build industry export capability and develop markets for Australian apples and pears in South East Asia.
29 June 2015
Enhancing the export performance of Australian mandarins by improving flavour quality (CT12023)
This research developed a better understanding of the flavour profile and consumer expectations of Australian mandarins in the Chinese market and undertook shipping and shelf life evaluations.
12 June 2015
Evaluate the potential for low-dose methyl bromide as a postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus (CT14008)
This project investigated low-dose methyl bromide as a potential postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus, particularly for Murcott mandarins.
15 May 2015
Vegetable industry export strategy (VG15052)
This project developed a comprehensive vegetable industry export strategy that seeks to increase the value of Australia’s vegetable exports by 40 per cent by the year 2020
1 May 2015