11-20 of 116 results
Field-based testing for fall armyworm (MT19014)
This short investment conducted research to foster national collaboration in monitoring the movement of fall armyworm
1 June 2022
Review and extension of avocado pests and their management (AV19001)
This project explored potential barriers to IPM uptake and delivered practical information and resources for incorporating IPM on farm for avocado growers
31 May 2022
Causes and management strategies for skin loss in sweetpotatoes (PW21002)
This investment is developing a comprehensive manual for sweetpotato growers on pre-and post-harvest best practices for reducing skin loss in Australian commercial production systems
11 May 2022
Tropical stonefruit breeding and evaluation (SF13004)
This investment ran a targeted breeding program to develop and evaluate new low chill stonefruit varieties with improved production characteristics.
11 May 2022
Desktop review of pathway risks for the mushroom industry – Agaricus mushrooms and growth substrate imports (MU21002)
This investment identified exotic mushroom pests and diseases and investigated potential ways that they could enter Australia.
10 May 2023
Building best management practice capacity for the Australian mango industry (MG17000)
This investment supported the activities of a mango industry development manager and two supporting region-specific industry development officers.
5 April 2022
Diagnosis and management of dieback in persimmon trees (PR21000)
This investment is determining which organisms are the cause of dieback in persimmon trees so that growers can be provided with appropriate management strategies to minimise yield loss.
28 March 2022
Program approach for pest and disease potato industry investments (PT17002)
This investment supported coordination of the industry’s R&D investments in pest and disease management via an integrated program approach.
7 March 2022
National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition program (MT21008)
This investment is delivering a national coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
19 January 2022
Effective control of Listeria on rockmelons through alternative post-harvest treatment methods (VM20007)
This project determined the optimum postharvest strategies to reduce the risk of listeria contamination of melons.
18 September 2023