81-90 of 116 results
Review of the national biosecurity plan for the potato industry and development of a biosecurity manual for potato producers (PT16004)
This investment updated the potato industry’s biosecurity plan and developed a biosecurity manual for potato producers to increase their awareness of key pests and diseases, and the steps that can be taken to minimise their risk.
30 June 2021
Pistachio productivity improvement program (PS17003)
This investment supported improvements in the cultivation of pistachios and the uptake of new and changing production practices through research, development and extension activities.
23 August 2023
Macadamia integrated disease management (MC16018)
This project was tasked with delivering an integrated disease program, that is compatible with IPM, to increase the productivity and profitability of macadamia growers and the Australian macadamia industry.
30 January 2023
Xylella coordinator (MT17006) (MT17006a)
Through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, this investment supported the role and activities of a national coordinator relating to exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.
14 June 2023
National strawberry varietal improvement program (BS17000)
This investment continued the work of the national strawberry breeding, evaluation and release program.
15 December 2022
Cherry industry minor use permit program (CY16005)
This investment supports applications and renewals of minor use permits for the cherry industry
7 December 2018
Pineapple industry minor use program (PI16000)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the pineapple industry
7 December 2018
Macadamia industry minor use program (MC16002)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the macadamia industry
7 December 2018
Lychee industry minor use program (LY16000)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the lychee industry
7 December 2018
Chestnut industry minor use permit program (CH16001)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the chestnut industry
7 December 2018