51-60 of 68 results
Australian table grape industry communications program (TG18004)
This project maintained and improved communication to Australian table grape growers and other industry stakeholders.
14 December 2022
Chestnut industry communications program (CH18000)
This project kept the chestnut industry up-to-date with the latest news, R&D outputs and other key information through a variety of channels.
20 October 2022
National vegetable industry communications program (VG18000)
This investment was responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders.
13 December 2022
Almond industry communications program (AL18001)
This investment funded the almond industry communications program, including In An Nutshell newsletters and more
23 May 2023
Australian onion industry communications program (VN18003)
This project delivered effective and timely communications to ensure Australian onion growers and other industry stakeholders
14 July 2022
Banana industry communications program (BA18001)
This investment was responsible for keeping Australian banana growers informed about industry R&D and other news and developments in a timely way.
10 January 2023
Avocado industry development and extension (AV17005)
This extension project was responsible for delivering a range of events and resources to help the avocado industry access, understand and implement best practice information.
13 June 2023
Australian macadamia communication program (MC18000)
This project shared R&D and marketing outcomes and other knowledge with macadamia growers and other industry stakeholders.
15 July 2022
National avocado industry communications program (AV18003)
This investment ensured the Australian avocado industry remained up-to-date with the latest R&D, marketing, emerging information, trends and issues both in Australia and overseas.
20 October 2022
National apple and pear industry communications program (AP18000)
This investment ensured apple and pear growers are kept up to date with the latest industry news, information, R&D and marketing updates
20 October 2022