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Completed project

Horticulture trade data (MT19005)

This investment provided Hort Innovation with a subscription to the Global Trade Atlas Database.

22 March 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Price elasticity of demand for sweetpotato (PW20003)

This project delivered the sweetpotato industry with valuable information on how changes in the price of sweetpotatoes and substitute/complementary products (such as potatoes, pumpkins and carrots) can affect the industry’s market share and overall revenue.

17 October 2022

Completed project

Business case to implement a marketing levy for the Australian melon industry (VM20004)

This investment compiled the information required for the Australian melon industry to make an informed decision on whether to establish a marketing levy.

13 July 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado industry market data capture and analysis (AV20000)

This investment delivered high-quality industry data to the avocado supply chain to support short—and long-term business-level and industry-level planning and decision-making across the Australian avocado industry.

1 May 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian almond industry statistics and data collection 2020-2022 (AL19005)

This project collected industry statistics and made them readily available to almond growers and other industry stakeholders.

4 April 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Nursery industry natural disaster risk mitigation and recovery plan (NY18008)

This project assessed the potential for natural disasters and severe weather events to impact on the Australian production nursery industry and developed strategies and resources for better preparedness, speedier recovery and stronger resilience.

28 September 2022