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Completed project Final Research Report

Apple and pear industry Asian export market development (AP11023)

This project, which ran from 2012 to 2015, worked to build industry export capability and develop markets for Australian apples and pears in South East Asia.

29 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Pear rootstocks trial (AP10016)

New dwarfing and semi-dwarfing rootstocks for pear varieties were trialed under this project in combination with different pear varities and training systems.

6 May 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Data and analysis - InfoPome (AP11033)

InfoPome is the apple and pear industry's stock stracking system. This investment supported InfoPome between 2012 and 2015.

3 March 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding to revitalise fresh pear industry development (AP13011)

This short investment sought to better understand Australian pear growers' information needs and businesses, feeding into future industry development and communication work.

17 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Commercialisation of pear varieties (AP09026)

The evaluation and commercialisation of new Lanya (ANP-0118) and Deliza (ANP-0131) red blush pear varieties was supported through this investment.

9 August 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

New Zealand study tour 2014 (AP13702)

This industry study tour to New Zealand investigated innovative apple research, production and handling techniques, with a particular emphasis on the Rockit apple cultivar and how it is marketed

23 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Extension of AP05002: Alternaria fruit spot – new directions (AP06007)

This project investigated Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot diseases in apples, providing new insights on the pathogens and their management.

24 February 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Pear variety evaluation and certification (AP08002)

This project supported the Australian Pome Fruit Improvement Program (APFIP) from 2009 to 2013, with a focus on evaluating and certifying new pear varieties.

13 January 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding apple and pear production systems in a changing climate (AP12029)

This project considered the vulnerability of the apple and pear industry to climate change, including effects on winter chill, tree flowering, fruit sunburn and fruit yield.

9 September 2012