51-60 of 86 results
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.
22 May 2019
12th Biennial Australian Mangoes Conference partnership (MG18000)
This investment provided funding to support the 12th Biennial Australian Mangoes Conference held across May 14-17, 2019 in Darwin
31 May 2019
Integrating genomics in to an applied mango breeding program (MG12015)
Technical research and development support was provided to the Queensland-based Australian Mango Breeding Program through this project, to speed new variety breeding.
14 February 2019
Conditional non-host systems protocol for fruit fly in mangoes (MG17005)
This project investigated mango hardness and its relationship to the fruit's fruit fly host status.
11 August 2021
Manipulating mango flowering to extend harvest window (MG12012)
This project investigated the climatic conditions associated with mango flowering in the Northern Territory, and chemical treatments that can be used to promote this process.
20 February 2019
SPLAT cue-lure based management of Queensland fruit fly (MT12001)
A pheromone-based lure approach for managing Queensland fruit fly was assessed by this project, dubbed SPLAT: Specialised Pheromone Lure Application Technology.
5 February 2019
Farm-wide fruit fly management systems for the east coast of Australia (MT12050)
This project evaluated a farm-wide management system to control Queensland fruit fly on mango orchards, which included the use of protein baiting, male fruit fly annihilation and packhouse grading.
21 January 2016
Monitoring mango fruit quality through the supply chain to the US - 2 (MG16003)
The development of mango exports to the United States of America was supported by this project through the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, with qualoty and compliance monitored through the supply chain.
26 June 2017
Improving mango quality through accurate harvest maturity (MG13015)
This research piloted the use of dry matter assessment to determine mango maturity and provided in-market assessments of fruit quality through its run.
15 April 2014
Identifying factors that contribute to mango resin canal discolouration (MG12018)
What causes resin canal discolouration in mangoes was investigated in this project, which looked at Kensington Pride mangoes.
25 June 2014