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Ongoing project

Soil wealth and integrated crop protection – phase 3 (MT22004)

The Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection program assists melon and vegetable growers to improve the management of their soil and crop health, to drive their productivity, profitability and sustainability on-farm.

19 April 2023

Ongoing project

Melon training and leadership program (VM22003)

This investment provides a suite of training opportunities for melon growers, with the aim of increasing engagement and providing a succession plan for leadership roles within the melon industry.

3 April 2023

Ongoing project

Identification and management of a fungal disease complex in melons (VM22001)

This investment is improving the melon industry’s capability to reduce the impacts of soilborne fungal diseases through improved knowledge and access to better management practices.

30 January 2023

Ongoing project

Feasibility/scoping study: Surveillance and diagnostic framework for detecting soil-borne pathogens in vegetable industries (MT21016)

This multi-industry investment is examining the potential to develop a national surveillance and diagnostic framework for soilborne pathogens of melon, onion, potato, sweetpotato and vegetable crops.

24 October 2022

Completed project

Consumer behavioural and retail data for fresh produce (MT17015) (MT17015s)

This multi-industry investment provided regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting about the melon industry through the Harvest to Home platform.

10 October 2022

Completed project

Melon export strategy 2022-2027 (VM22000)

This short project developed a five-year export strategy for the melon industry that will guide export activity from 2022 to 2027.

20 December 2022

Completed project

Phenomenom resources (MT21018)

This investment developed Phenomenom resources for the avocado, citrus, melon and rubus industries, including a dedicated Nomcast for each commodity and supporting PDF resources.

10 April 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Quality improvements in the melon supply chain (VM21001)

This program developed minimum quality standards for seedless watermelons, rock melons and honeydew melons, with the overall aim of improving their eating quality.

30 April 2024