81-89 of 89 results
Development of soil disinfestation systems for production of certified strawberry runners (BS13000)
This project looked at new soil disinfestation and growing approaches for the production of high-health strawberry runners in the absence of methyl bromide.
1 June 2016
Earlier yields and better establishment of strawberry runners (BS13002)
This project looked at strategies to improve strawberry runner establishment, to promote earlier yields and extend the harvest season.
19 May 2016
Identification and management strategies for true bugs in Tasmanian strawberries (BS13003)
Damaging bug species in Tasmanian strawberry crops were identified in this work, which produced pest and beneficial identification guides and integrated pest management information.
18 February 2016
Facilitating the development of the Victorian strawberry industry (BS12016)
This project extended R&D outcomes to the Victorian strawberry industry through the employment of an industry development officer between 2012 and 2015.
15 December 2015
Robotic strawberry harvesting (Part 2) (BS09014)
This investment progressed work towards an automated strawberry production system.
2 December 2015
Establishment of systems to validate pest free place of production for Queensland fruit fly in the Yarra Valley (MT13031)
This two-year project developed a Pest Free Place of Production (PFPP) program in the Yarra Valley for Queensland fruit fly.
13 July 2015
The effects of different species of true bugs on strawberries (BS12026)
True bugs', such as mirids, and their potential to cause economic damage in Victorian strawberry crops were investigated in this research.
13 June 2014
Thresholds for plague thrips in the Victorian strawberry industry (BS12003)
This project investigated if plague thrips, either alone or in combination with onion thrips, cause damage to strawberry flowers and berries.
13 June 2014
Developing improved strawberry germplasm management and runner quality (BS09024)
This project looked at vegetative propagation for strawberry runners and established a runner accrediation scheme for the strawberry industry.
5 June 2014