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Ongoing project

Demonstration of functional driverless tractor for Australian horticulture (AS17002)

This investment is assessing the reliability, accuracy and cost effectiveness of driverless tractor technology across a number of almond orchards in Australia.

22 February 2021

Completed project

Seasonal horticulture labour demand and workforce study (ST19040 and ST20008) (ST19040)

This short project ran in 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the horticulture sector in accessing and securing their casual workforce. The study provided an 18-month outlook on the casual labour demand across different regions, to support industry discussion on longer-term COVID-19 responses

22 February 2021

Ongoing project

Table grape consumer acceptance and attitudes (TG19003)

This investment is providing the table grape industry with valuable information on the behaviours and attitudes of consumers towards table grape quality.

19 February 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Minimum maturity standards adoption across the table grape supply chain (TG19004)

This investment is working to ensure that the new minimum maturity standards for table grapes are fully adopted across the supply chain from the 2020/21 season onwards.

9 January 2024

Completed project

Strategic export plan renewal for Australian table grapes (TG19002)

This investment was tasked with renewing the export strategy for table grapes

4 December 2020

Completed project

Scanning technologies for horticulture packhouses (ST19022)

This project investigated the potential of in-line scanning technology to detect market access pest and disease organisms.

11 September 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Nutrition claims for The Good Mood Food educational website (ST19037)

This investment assessed 70 horticultural commodities for their nutrient composition related to psychological, neurological and energy benefits.

10 December 2020

Completed project

Table grape supply chain quality 2017-2021 (TG17002)

This project supported growers and retailers in adopting collaborative quality standards and practices for Australian table grapes.

11 October 2020

Ongoing project

Xylella insect vectors (ST19018)

This project is a collaboration between Hort Innovation and Wine Australia through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, to help safeguard Australia against the potentially catastrophic exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.

22 October 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Extension of technologies and best management practices to the Australian table grape industry (TG19000)

This investment ensured Australian table grape growers were informed about current R&D activities, results and resources – supporting the adoption of industry best practice and bolstering table grape production in key growing areas across the country.

30 April 2024