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Completed project Final Research Report

Building capacity in the NT mango industry using small-group extension (MG12005)

This mango industry development project delivered small-group extension activities in the Northern Territory between 2012 and 2015.

13 July 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency - stage 2 (MG12007)

Between 2012 and 2015, daily wholesale prices and information on mango quality at the markets was reported to growers through this project.

13 July 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Industry Development and Capacity Building using the Nursery Production Farm Management System 2013-2015 - Phase 3 (NY12016)

This project funded a suite of activities to drive nursery industry development and market access based on the Nursery Production Farm Management System.

13 July 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Red blue beetle table grape disinfestation research (TG13002)

This project investigated management strategies for accidental insect pest contamination in export consignments of table grapes, with a focus on red and blue beetles, long-tailed mealy bugs and lady bird beetles.

8 July 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Apple and pear industry Asian export market development (AP11023)

This project, which ran from 2012 to 2015, worked to build industry export capability and develop markets for Australian apples and pears in South East Asia.

29 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Optimising cherry fruit set, crop load, fruit nutrition and size - phase 2 (CY12003)

Ways to improve cherry fruit set, crop load, nutrition, size and quality were investigated in this project - including plant bioregulators, girdling, fertigation and more.

25 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Integrated management of yellow sigatoka and other banana diseases in far north Queensland (BA12007)

A yellow sigatoka liaison officer was supported by this project, to assist growers in north Queensland achieve banana leaf disease compliance on a voluntary basis.

15 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Enhancing the export performance of Australian mandarins by improving flavour quality (CT12023)

This research developed a better understanding of the flavour profile and consumer expectations of Australian mandarins in the Chinese market and undertook shipping and shelf life evaluations.

12 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Desktop analysis and literature review of chestnut rot (CH13002)

Information on chestnut rot management options was brought together by this review project, which included a look at the costs and benefits of each disease management approach.

10 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Innovative ways to address waste management on vegetable farms (VG13109)

This project investigated and assessed the feasibility of different plastic processing opportunities for waste from vegetable farms

5 June 2015