451-460 of 1147 results
Custard Apple Dispatch System 2 – CADS 2 (CU15000)
This project was responsible for continuing the administration and upgrading of the Custard Apple Dispatch System (CADS) between early 2016 and early 2019.
28 March 2019
Agrichemical residue monitoring program for Australian citrus exports – stage 2 (CT15016)
This investment continued, improved and expanded on the Australian Citrus Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program (ACPRMP).
28 March 2019
Data analytics and application technology to guide on farm irrigation (VG15054)
This project aimed to improve irrigation decisions on-farm by providing growers with crop-specific information on evapotranspiration levels
22 November 2018
Spongospora infection of potato roots – ecology, epidemiology and control (PT14002)
This project improved current understanding of the pathogen that causes powdery scab and identified opportunities for improved disease management
21 November 2018
Reconnaissance and recommendations for mistletoe management in macadamia orchards (MC18001)
This project summarised current knowledge about mistletoe management and provided interim recommendations as well as priorities for future research
22 January 2019
Passionfruit postharvest best practice review (PF18002)
This project has delivered an Australian Passionfruit Postharvest Best Practice Guide to support industry in adopting postharvest best practice.
14 October 2019
Nuffield scholarship for a horticulturalist from the potato industry (PT18001)
This investment supported a Nuffield Scholarship for the Australian potato industry.
16 April 2021
Mite and insect disinfestation of lychee fruit using high pressure water sprays (LY18000)
This investment investigated how to optimise the use of high-pressure water to remove surface pests on lychees.
31 March 2020
Australian onion consumer research (VN18001)
This investment delivered a deeper understanding of onion consumers
26 April 2019
Raspberry and blackberry consumer insights research (RB18000)
This investment delivered insights about raspberry and blackberry consumers
30 April 2019