571-580 of 1147 results
Risk and crisis management planning for the olive industry (OL16011)
A comprehensive risk management and crisis preparedness and response plan was developed by this investment for the Australian olive industry.
31 July 2018
Comparing stonefruit ripening, quality and volatile composition (SF15001)
This investment was tasked with assisting Australian summerfruit producers in harvesting peaches and nectarines at the optimum maturity, to allow the fruit to continue development and ripening throughout storage and handling systems – resulting in greater customer satisfaction.
27 September 2018
Metropolitan urban forestry (NY17005)
Education on the benefits of green space and investigation into metro and state urban greening policies and progress were conducted through this project.
9 January 2019
Nursery industry conference partnership (NY17001)
This investment supported the communication of levy-related activities to growers at the 2018 Nursery Garden Industry National Conference & Exhibition.
9 January 2019
Integrating plant life into building and infrastructure rating tools (NY16007)
Evidence of the benefits of vegetation and green spaces in built environments was consolidated by this project and communicated to relevant audiences, including the developers of sustainable building rating tools.
9 January 2019
10th Australasian Soilborne Disease Symposium sponsorship (MT17022)
This multi-industry investment supported the Soilborne Diseases Symposium, held in Adelaide from September 4 to 7, 2018.
16 December 2018
Surveillance of tomato potato psyllid in the Eastern States and South Australia (MT16016)
Surveillance activities for tomato potato psyllid (TPP) were funded through this project from mid-2017 into 2018.
23 July 2018
An investigation of low-cost protective cropping (VG13075)
This project investigated and trialed low-cost protective cropping options for vegetable growers. This information was then extended to growers through a series of workshops, presentations in key growing regions and fact sheets.
16 December 2016
Australian almond variety evaluation and commercialisation program (AL12015)
This program evaluated new almond varieties between 2013 and 2018, leading to the commercialisation of six new cultivars for the industry.
16 December 2018
Understanding consumer triggers and barriers to consumption of Australian indigenous vegetables and Asian vegetables (VG15071)
This investment identified commercially viable Australian indigenous and Asian vegetables, assessed their consumer appeal and provided recommendation for industry to ensure the greatest likelihood of success in the market.
10 January 2018