691-700 of 1147 results
Generation of pesticide data – Sigastus weevil (MC17007)
This investment involved field trials with two insecticides to produce residue, crop safety and efficacy data, which were used to support minor use applications for the macadamia industry.
30 July 2019
National strawberry varietal improvement program (BS17000)
This investment continued the work of the national strawberry breeding, evaluation and release program.
15 December 2022
Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL18000)
This investment promoted world-best practice and the results of R&D in grove management and olive oil production to the Australian olive industry.
20 October 2022
National macadamia grower communication program (MC15003)
This project shared R&D and marketing outcomes and other knowledge with macadamia growers and other industry stakeholders
7 December 2018
Novel topical vegetable, cotton virus and whitefly protection (VG16037)
This investment minimised the economic impact of pest infestation on vegetables through the development of an innovative topical protection medium, BioClay.
7 December 2018
Adoption of precision systems technology in vegetable production (VG16009)
This investment was tasked with supporting the vegetable industry in adopting precision agriculture technologies.
10 January 2020
Cherry communications program (CY15002)
This program was focused on maintaining and improving strong communication with cherry growers and other industry stakeholders
31 July 2019
Review of the national biosecurity plan for the vegetable industry (VG15065)
This investment was responsible for reviewing and updating the Australian vegetable industry’s biosecurity plan.
30 June 2021
Vision systems, sensing and sensor networks to manage risks and increase productivity in vegetable production systems (VG15024)
This project was all about the application of automation, robotics, vision systems and sensing technologies in the vegetable industry
7 December 2018
Australian citrus industry innovation and market development program (CT15012)
This investment supported a range of personnel to help develop a globally competitive and well-informed citrus industry to reliably supply product that satisfies market requirements
7 December 2018