801-810 of 1147 results
Australian turf industry study tour 2018 (TU17007)
This investment faciliated an industry study tour to New Zealand in June 2018 which provided an opportunity for growers to learn from the experience and as a result, support the growth and development of the Australian turf industry.
6 September 2018
On farm evaluation of vegetable seed viability using non-destructive techniques (VG16028)
This research looked at ways to assess and improve vegetable seed quality and viability on farm.
5 September 2018
Food safety for the Australian mushroom industry (MU16005)
This project has examined the potential for contamination of fresh whole and sliced mushrooms a mushrooms by human pathogens
30 August 2018
Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency – stage 3 (MG15003)
This investment provides mango growers and other industry participants with timely domestic information on two key factors that can influence profitability: mango wholesale prices and eating quality.
28 August 2018
Lychee knowledge transfer at the 2018 China litchi conference (LY17001)
This investment supported attendance of Australian lychee industry representatives at the 2018 China International Litchi Business Conference and its surrounding activities in order to keep trade and market access discussions progressing.
27 August 2018
On-farm quality testing utilising near infrared (NIR) technology (MG17002)
This short, practical project funded staff from the Australian Mango Industry Association to assist growers in determining the maturity of fruit prior to picking in the 2017/18 harvest.
22 August 2018
Boosting vegetable consumption through diet (VegeEze) (VG16071)
A mobile app for encouraging vegetable consumption, VegEze, was developed by this investment, which also delivered insights into how technology can be used to support vegetable use
9 August 2018
Supply chain quality improvement – retailer point of purchase improvements (AV15011)
This investment worked closely with retailers to deliver education, training programs and consumer-facing tools to reduce the percentage of damaged avocados available on shelves.
8 August 2018
Nuffield Scholarship for those in the horticultural industry (AH14006)
This investment supported a Nuffield Scholarship in 2015, with the recipient looking at handling techniques throughout the cherry supply chain.
6 August 2018
A revolutionary new sensor for in-field measurements of food safety in leafy vegetables (VG13073)
This project aimed to construct a working prototype of a new-generation Raman sensor to detect dangerous microorganisms in leafy vegetables.
1 August 2018