831-840 of 1147 results
Export market access, maintenance, biosecurity and developing export markets for the Australian table grape industry (TG14000)
A wide array of export and market-access related activities were supported by this investment between 2014 and 2017, including grower training, delivery of the industry’s online export registration system, table grape participation in trade events and more.
27 November 2017
Process improvements for preserving peak freshness in broccoli (2) (VG14062)
Factors that can increase or decrease the retail freshness of broccoli were examined in this project, including harvest time, delay before cooling, cooling method and packaging materials. A novel method of reducing yellowing of broccoli was also investigated.
22 November 2017
Dried grape 2017 industry R&D exchange program (DG17000)
This project supported a 2017 industry study tour for Australian dried grape producers to gain first-hand insights from the US industry.
16 November 2017
Orchard Action – co-production of knowledge to Victoria pome fruit orchards (AP13027)
This Orchard Action Project provided information to Victorian apple and pear growers about the latest technologies in pome fruit production between 2014 and 2017.
8 November 2017
Mango industry conference 2017 (MG16001)
This project facilitated the 11th Australian Mango Conference, held in 2017 in Bowen, Queensland.
6 November 2017
Integrated pest, disease and weed management systems for pineapple (pineapple industry technical officer) (PI12008)
This project investigated management options for major pest, disease and weed threats for the Australian pineapple industry.
10 October 2017
Healthy homes index (NY16008)
This project drew on the existing literature on the benefits of having plants indoors and synthesised this knowledge into a scale of plant benefits which was then used in the development of the Plant Life Balance smartphone app for consumers.
28 September 2017
Australian avocado benchmarking program development rounds II and III (AV13003)
This investment continued avocado industry benchmarking, enabling growers to identify and strive for best practice in production, packing and marketing.
18 September 2017
Effect of sulphur dioxide and cold on survival of insects during storage of table grapes (TG15003)
This investment demonstrated that current cold and sulphur dioxide treatments for exported table grapes will kill any accidental occurences of pests including long-tailed mealybug, lady bird beetle, European earwig, Argentine ant, Carpophilus beetle and two-spotted spider mite.
7 September 2017
Developing a national standard for turf as an erosion control measure (TU13034)
This project developed an Australian Standard for the use of turf in erosion control in construction management, completed works, and any other situations where turf may assist in erosion control.
14 August 2017