851-860 of 1147 results
Industry communication through Living Lychee (LY14000)
The Living Lychee journal, industry website and other lychee resources were produced by this project between 2014 and 2017.
5 July 2017
New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly (2) (VG13042)
This project produced the Fruit Fly Management for Vegetable Growers guide and investigated new methods for managing and monitoring fruit flies.
3 July 2017
International Onion Research Delegation (VN16001)
This investment brought two international speakers to share knowledge and world best practice with onion growers at the 2016 Hort Connections industry conference.
30 June 2017
VegWHS training resources (VG16031)
Workplace health and training instruction videos for vegetable businesses were produced by this VegPRO sub-project.
30 June 2017
Nuffield Scholarship (AH14014)
This investmented supported a Nuffield Scholarship in 2015, with the recipient studying rural community access to information, infrastructure and representation.
30 June 2017
Vegetable industry market access and development program (VG13097)
Between 2014 and 2017, this program supported export market access and market development activities for the vegetable industry.
30 June 2017
New breeding technologies and opportunities for the Australian vegetable industry (VG16010)
Opportunities for implementing new breeding technologies for the vegetable industry were explored by this project, which looked at the status and availability of new technologies and attitudes towards adopting them.
28 June 2017
Review of macadamia orchard nutrition (MC15012)
To improve the quality of soil and plant nutrition advice available to the macadamia industry, this investment delivered training to industry consultants and advisors.
28 June 2017
Review of international best practice for postharvest management of sweet cherries (CY17000)
This project reviewed local and international postharvest practices that optimise cherry shelf life, quality and value throughout the supply chain.
27 June 2017
Vegetable trend forecasting and analysis (VG16027)
This project identified large-scale trends in the vegetable industry relating to diet and health so that growers can take advantage of them
27 June 2017