891-900 of 1147 results
An insight to the Chinese table grape industry – part 3 (TG14700)
International trade missions for the Australian table grape industry were supported by this project between 2014 and 2016, to further develop partnerships, opportunities and understanding in key export markets.
20 March 2017
Increasing market access, profitability and sustainability through integrated approaches to fungal disease control (CT13020)
Citrus black spot and emperor brown spot disease control protocols, fungicide options and resistant varieties were explored in this research.
9 March 2017
Grower study tour of New Zealand: Precision vegetable production (VG15704)
Precision agriculture techniques and technologies for vegetable production were observed in a 2016 study tour to New Zealand, funded through this project.
7 March 2017
Optimising pollination of macadamia and avocado in Australia (MT13060)
This project sought to identify the most effective pollination management strategies in Australian macadamia and avocado crops.
7 March 2017
Vegetable industry participation in the South Australian Government trade mission to SE Asia 2016 (VG15075)
This investment supported vegetable industry participation in a 2016 trade mission to South East Asia.
7 March 2017
International Prune Association Conference 2016 (DP16700)
This project supported industry attendance at the International Prune Association Congress in 2016.
1 March 2017
Developing sustainability through extension of best practice in the South Australian apple and pear industry (AP12038)
For the South Australian apple and pear industry, this investment supported the role and activities of an industry development officer from 2013 to 2016.
1 March 2017
Application of soil amendments to maintain turf quality on sandy soil (TU13000)
This project investigated the use of soil amendments in turf farming to improve the water retention of sandy soils and decrease turf water requirements.
27 February 2017
Integrating sustainable soil health practices into a commercial vegetable farming operation (VG12115)
The effect of 'softer' soil management practices on improving soil health and increasing vegetable yields were investigated in this research, which looked at reduced tillage, cover crops, mulching and controlled traffic approaches.
16 February 2017
Zero residue concept – scoping study for citrus (CT14001)
This project began investigations into lower agrichemical residue production (the zero residue concept) for citrus.
16 February 2017