901-910 of 1147 results
Review and update of the National Standard for Certification of Australian Seed Potatoes (PT15004)
This project undertook a review and update of the National Standard for Certification of Australian Seed Potatoes.
15 February 2017
National Governance Framework for Australian Seed Potato Certification: an options paper (PT15005)
This project developed an options paper to identify a fit-for-purpose, cost-effective and independent national governance framework for Australian Seed Potato Certification.
13 February 2017
Evaluating dried grapes types for the Australian industry (DG12004)
New varieties of grapes with superior qualities for drying were evaluated under this project, which ran between 2012 and 2016.
6 February 2017
Correlating fruit fly with cherry production and climate (CY13012)
This project developed models to predict Queensland fruit fly populations post-winter throughout Australia.
6 February 2017
A focus on irrigation and fertiliser practices to improve production efficiency for language other than English strawberry growers (BS12025)
This project facilitated the adoption of efficient nutrition and irrigation practices among the Vietnamese-speaking strawberry-growing community in Western Australia.
6 February 2017
Objective colour assessment options for the dried grape industry (DG15001)
This project developed and tested a number of different methods for objectively measuring the colour of dried grapes.
6 February 2017
Controlling plant and fruit diseases in strawberry fields (BS11000)
The effectiveness of different chemical treatments for the control of grey mould and stem-end rot of strawberries were assessed in this project.
6 February 2017
Precision weed sensing for pyrethrum (PY12000)
This project looked at improving machine vision technology to inform and enhance weed management strategies in pyrethrum crops.
23 January 2017
Financial performance of Australian vegetable farms 2013-14 to 2015-16 (VG13068)
Annual economic surveys of the vegetable industry, collecting comprehensive production and financial performance data, were supported by this project from 2013/14 to 2015/16.
19 January 2017
Monash Remediation (AL12011)
After the detection of ringspot virus in budwood tree populations, this investment supported the remediation of the almond industry's budwood repository.
19 January 2017