961-970 of 1147 results
Coordination of data management and avocado quality improvement and extension program (AV12012)
This investment helped run the avocado industry's Qualicado program while contributing to improves Infocado and OrchardInfo programs.
21 June 2016
Evaluation of the sugar flotation method for testing cherries for Queensland fruit fly (CY14009)
This investment found the the brown sugar flotation test to be an effective method for testing cherries for Queensland fruit fly.
21 June 2016
Facilitating development of the Australian chestnut industry – industry development officer (CH13003)
An industry development officer for the chestnut industry was supported by this project between 2013 and 2016.
10 June 2016
Full identification of phytophagous turfgrass mite species (TU13021)
The main species of phytophagous mites that impact on warm season turfgrasses in Australia were identified in this research, to improve pest management for growers and end users.
8 June 2016
Persimmon field day 2016 (PR15700)
The 2016 two-day Persimmon Field Day event was funded through this investment, bringing R&D updates and best practice information to persimmon growers.
3 June 2016
Maintenance and ongoing development of communications across the Australian cherry industry (CY11026)
This investment supported the cherry industry's communications program from 2012 to 2016.
2 June 2016
Development of soil disinfestation systems for production of certified strawberry runners (BS13000)
This project looked at new soil disinfestation and growing approaches for the production of high-health strawberry runners in the absence of methyl bromide.
1 June 2016
Delivering a national citrus plantings database - 2014 (CT14010)
This project delivered the 2014 Citrus Tree Census, delivering reporting on Australian citrus planting data.
31 May 2016
Australian almond industry – liaison and extension project (AL12000)
This extension project delivered the latest information, research and technologies to Australian almond growers through field days, forums, fact sheets and more.
30 May 2016
Apple and pear technical manager (AP11014)
This project funded the role and activities of a technical manager at APAL for the Australian apple and pear industry, from 2011 into 2016.
30 May 2016