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Completed project Final Research Report

Young Leader Development Program (NY13017)

The Nursery Industry Young Leader Development Program was supported in 2014 and 2015 through this investment, offering professional and personal development for participants.

27 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Riverina fruit fly campaign coordinator (CT12010)

This investment supported a voluntary, grower-driven fruit fly control program for the Riverina region between 2012 and 2016.

25 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian Citrus Quality Standards Program - stage 2 (CT12004)

This project supported the Australian Citrus Quality Standards program and included large-scale consumer sensory research linking eating quality to the Standards.

23 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Earlier yields and better establishment of strawberry runners (BS13002)

This project looked at strategies to improve strawberry runner establishment, to promote earlier yields and extend the harvest season.

19 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

A needs analysis for integrated pest management R&D in the apple and pear industry (AP15014)

The use of integrated pest management (IPM) in the apple and pear industry was reviewed under this project.

7 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Mechanisms of cultivar- and race-based disease resistance in avocado (AV09024)

Phytophthora root rot was this project's focus, including avocado and avocado rootstock susceptibility, tolerance and resistance to the disease.

13 April 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Facilitating the development of the Queensland pineapple industry: stage 2 (PI12002)

The role and activities of a pineapple industry development officer were funded through this investment, with work including field days, pineapple study groups, production of industry communications and more.

4 April 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Research speed updating program (AP14003)

A 2015 'Speed Updating' event delivering R&D information to apple and pear growers was delivered by this investment.

4 April 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

National citrus postharvest science program (CT10006)

Between 2011 and 2015, this provided research, advice and information on the latest post-harvest approaches and technologies to citrus growers and packers.

4 April 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Communications plan for the Australian onion industry extension (VN12003)

This investment supported the onion industry's communication and extension program between 2012 and 2015.

4 April 2016