661-670 of 1519 results
Economic, environmental, social and health impacts and benefits of the turfgrass and lawncare industries in Australia (TU17006)
This project details the economic, environmental, human health and wellbeing benefits that flow to the community from the use of turf in urban environments.
12 August 2020
Report on economic, social, health and environmental benefits of turf
Final report into the benefits of turfgrass and lawncare industries to communities.
1 August 2019
Integrated pest and disease management – phase 2 (AP15001)
This investment completed the second phase of research into the use of the Mastrus ridens wasp as a biocontrol agent against codling moth in apples.
11 November 2019
An environmental assessment of the Australian turf industry (TU16000)
This project provided an environmental assessment of the Australian turf industry and a turf lifecycle assessment.
4 February 2020
Budget tool to calculate the cost to successfully establish trees in the urban landscape (NY18003)
This investment developed a budget tool that will allow users to calculate the cost of a successful urban tree over its lifecycle, from production to maintenance
3 February 2020
Food safety and QA risk management (MU16000)
This project provided an effective risk management mechanism for the mushroom industry through programmed, proactive and reactive activities.
5 August 2020
Maximising the biosecurity of the Australian citrus industry budwood facility (CT17003)
This investment worked to increase the preparedness of the Australian citrus industry for any future incursion of the Asiatic citrus psyllid and the accompanying disease Huanglongbing (HLB), by building a screenhouse for the industry’s budwood facility.
18 March 2020
Onions foodservice farm tour and education pilot (VN18000)
This project educated the Australian foodservice industry about onions by facilitating a series of onion farm tours for chefs and hospitality professionals
6 July 2020
Vegetable industry leadership and development missions 2019 (VG18002)
This investment provided opportunities for levy payers in the Australian vegetable industry to take part in overseas leadership and development missions
5 March 2020
Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2019 (VG18001)
This investment provided funding for vegetable growers across Australia to attend the Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2019
4 February 2020