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R&D projects

Discover avocado levy investments into Avocado Fund R&D initiatives

The avocado levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Avocado Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project Final Research Report

Ex-post impact assessment (MT18011)

Through this project, Hort Innovation engaged independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments, providing insights into the type and magnitude of impacts generated across the company’s strategic levy programs.

31 December 2021

Completed project

Avocado rootstock SHSR-04 commercialisation (AV15005)

This project managed the commercial process for development of the avocado rootstock SHSR-04

29 June 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Taste Australia retail program (MT18017)

This multi-industry investment targeted key international retailers with training and educational resources about selecting, storing, handling and displaying Australian fresh produce in-store

16 October 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Development and implementation of protocols to enable importation of improved honey bee genetics to Australia (MT18019)

This investment laid the groundwork for the importation of desirable honey bee germplasm into Australia, with a focus on sourcing genetic material from bees with a tolerance to Varroa mite and its associated viruses

15 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Implementing precision agriculture solutions in Australian avocado production systems (AV18002)

This investment worked towards solutions to help avocado growers predict yield, assess yield variability, and map factors such as disease, to assist with on-farm decision-making.

12 December 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado industry development and extension (AV17005)

This extension project was responsible for delivering a range of events and resources to help the avocado industry access, understand and implement best practice information.

13 June 2023

Ongoing project

Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)

This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.

22 May 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado retail sampling (AV18006)

Over the summer of 2018/19, this project investigated an issue with a high incidence of rots in avocados on Australian retail shelves.

13 March 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Communicating the nutrition and health benefits of avocados (AV18004)

This project brought together research on the nutritional properties and health benefits of avocados, consolidating all currently permitted health and nutrition claims.

12 March 2019