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R&D projects

Discover mushroom levy investments into Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives

The mushroom levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

Discover the projects that you want to see by refining the list by ongoing, completed, and historical R&D projects as well as projects by R&D portfolio type. You can also filter the projects by areas of extension and communications, international trade, and data and insights.

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Ongoing project

Extension and adoption for food safety, quality and risk management (MU20000)

This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry

19 February 2021

Completed project

Scanning technologies for horticulture packhouses (ST19022)

This project investigated the potential of in-line scanning technology to detect market access pest and disease organisms.

11 September 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Nutrition claims for The Good Mood Food educational website (ST19037)

This investment assessed 70 horticultural commodities for their nutrient composition related to psychological, neurological and energy benefits.

10 December 2020

Completed project

Chef’s Table culinary literacy for Australian mushrooms and onions (MT19001)

This investment helped educate foodservice industry leaders about the health and nutrition benefits of Australian onions and mushrooms, and their use in cooking, through a masterclass skills session.

26 June 2020

Completed project

Food safety and QA risk management (MU16000)

This project provided an effective risk management mechanism for the mushroom industry through programmed, proactive and reactive activities.

5 August 2020

Ongoing project

Development of a biosecurity plan for Australian mushrooms (MU18006)

This five-year investment is responsible for developing the mushroom industry’s biosecurity plan.

18 June 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Category and Consumer Impact Monitor (ST19031)

This investment provided weekly updates on consumer attitudes and behaviours during and beyond COVID-19.

15 June 2020

Completed project

Mushrooms attitudinal research (MU19000)

This short investment undertook research to increase understanding of consumer behaviour and attitudes towards mushrooms.

29 May 2020

Completed project

Phenomenom phase two launch and professional development series (MT19000)

This short project helped increase awareness of the Phenomenom initiative, which is all about increasing kids’ education about vegetables

31 July 2019

Completed project

Ex-post impact assessment – industry specific (MT18009)

Through this investment, independent consultants evaluatde the impact of R&D investments in the Hort Innovation Apple and Pear, Avocado, Mushroom and Table Grape Funds.

22 October 2019