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R&D projects

Discover nursery levy investments into Nursery Fund R&D initiatives

The nursery levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Nursery Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

Discover the projects that you want to see by refining the list by ongoing, completed, and historical R&D projects as well as projects by R&D portfolio type. You can also filter the projects by areas of extension and communications, international trade, and data and insights.

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Ongoing project

Nursery industry consultation agreement (NY23002)

This project is supporting Australian nursery growers to have profitable, competitive, and sustainable businesses through sound investment of the nursery levy by Hort Innovation.

20 June 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Nursery industry environmental and technical research and extension 2008 to 2009 (NY08002)

This project provided a coordinated response to key environmental and technical issues that impact the sustainability of the Australian nursery industry.

5 May 2023

Ongoing project

Nursery industry communications program (NY22000)

This investment develops interest within greenlife businesses in the research, development, marketing, and extension projects funded by the nursery levy and encourages their participation in these projects for the direct benefit of their businesses, as well as for the wider benefit of the industry.

19 December 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian nursery industry communications program (NY18001)

This program ensured Australian nursery and garden growers and other industry stakeholders were kept up-to-date with the latest news, information and R&D and marketing updates to support decision-making within businesses

19 December 2022

Completed project

Nursery industry conferences (NY21001)

This project sponsored the 2022 International Plant Propagators’ Society (IPPS) conference.

1 August 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Masterclass in Horticultural Business (LP15001)

The Masterclass in Horticultural Business course, developed under Hort Frontiers, fostered new innovators and leaders for the Australian horticulture industry. Industry levies contribute to scholarship opportunities.

11 May 2022

Completed project

Developing nursery industry career pathways (NY19006)

This investment worked to attract new entrants and retain existing staff across all sectors of the Australian nursery industry by delivering training programs and showcasing job opportunities.

13 September 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Global review and gap analysis of nursery industry research and development initiatives (NY17006)

The findings of this project will be used by the nursery industry and Hort Innovation to plan and strengthen the Australian industry’s future R&D program.

11 May 2021

Completed project

Industry extension and development of Plant Life Balance (NY18005)

This project was tasked with delivering industry communications about Plant Life Balance

3 August 2020

Historical document

Managing business development for the nursery industry 2008-09 (NY08007)

This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.

1 September 2009