R&D projects
Discover strawberry levy investments into Strawberry Fund R&D initiatives
The strawberry levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Strawberry Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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1 of 7 results
Australian Strawberry Breeding Program (BS22000)
This investment continues the development and commercial release of superior strawberry varieties for Australian environments, including temperate, subtropical and Mediterranean-growing regions
3 April 2023
High health pre-commercial propagation material for Australian strawberry growers (BS19000)
This investment is producing healthy propagation material for the pre-commercial temperate, sub-tropical and Mediterranean varieties developed through the industry’s national breeding program.
18 June 2020
DNA-marker development for flavour compounds in strawberry (BS12006)
This work identified potential genetic markers relating to desirable strawberry flavour compounds, to feed into strawberry breeding and variety selection.
2 February 2016
National strawberry varietal improvement program (BS17000)
This investment continued the work of the national strawberry breeding, evaluation and release program.
15 December 2022
National strawberry varietal improvement program (BS12021)
This national breeding project continued the development and commercial release of superior strawberry varieties for targeted environments.
1 August 2018
Development of soil disinfestation systems for production of certified strawberry runners (BS13000)
This project looked at new soil disinfestation and growing approaches for the production of high-health strawberry runners in the absence of methyl bromide.
1 June 2016
Developing improved strawberry germplasm management and runner quality (BS09024)
This project looked at vegetative propagation for strawberry runners and established a runner accrediation scheme for the strawberry industry.
5 June 2014