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The Masterclass in Horticultural Business course is now open for 2022 intakes

The Masterclass in Horticultural Business course is now open for 2022 intakesThe Masterclass in Horticultural Business was launched in 2017 by The University of Tasmania, in partnership with some of the world’s leading names in horticulture,

1 November 2021

Completed project

Australian apple and pear industry innovation and adoption program (AP15004) and Delivery of apple and pear Future Orchards extension program (AP15005) (AP15004 and AP15005)

These investments delivered the apple and pear Future Orchards program, which was responsible for accelerating and expanding the adoption of innovation and technology in apple and pear businesses and facilitating industry capacity-building.

18 October 2021

Completed project

Developing nursery industry career pathways (NY19006)

This investment worked to attract new entrants and retain existing staff across all sectors of the Australian nursery industry by delivering training programs and showcasing job opportunities.

13 September 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Educating healthcare professionals on Australian melons (VM20003)

This project educated healthcare professionals (HPs) about the nutritional benefits of melons and supported the recommendation of melons by HPs to their clients, ultimately increasing melon purchase and consumption.

3 October 2024

Completed project

Enhanced 2022 Agrifood and Internet of Farms Traction Program (LP19001)

This investment supported three horticulture levy payers to attend the Enhanced Agrifood and Internet of Farms Traction Program in the Netherlands.

30 December 2022

Completed project

Australian almond industry innovation and adoption program (AL16001)

This project addressed gaps in knowledge and developed new technologies to support the sustainability and competitiveness of the almond industry.

22 October 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Educating health professionals about Australian olive products (OL17002)

This project communicated the research-backed evidence on the health benefits of olives to an audience of health professionals, through the Olive Wellness Institute.

28 February 2020

Completed project

Development of a vegetable education resource – stage 2 (VG15067)

This investment developed a vegetable education resource for teachers use in Australian primary schools.

7 February 2020

Historical document

Business skills development for the nursery industry (NY07017)

This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.

1 September 2008

Historical document

Brokering business skills development for horticulture (HG06160)

This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.

1 October 2008