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Ongoing project

Optimisation of fungal bio-control agent for varroa mite (PH24001)

This project aims to develop and optimise fungal biological control agents to combat Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite responsible for significant honeybee colony losses worldwide. By creating a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to chemical treatments, this research supports an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to enhance honeybee health and safeguard global pollination-dependent agriculture.

21 February 2025

Completed project Final Research Report

Opportunities for insecticide resistant honey bees for pollination security (PH22000)

This project explored the potential use of emerging genetic engineering technologies to introduce beneficial traits into European Honey bees (Apis mellifera)

16 December 2024

Ongoing project

Progress on bumblebees as commercial pollinators in Australia (PH23001)

This project is providing up-to-date and unbiased information about the environmental impact that wild bumble bees are having in Tasmania, as well as the role they are playing in crop pollination.

1 October 2024

Ongoing project

Supporting the health and expansion of the Australian stingless bee industry (PH22004)

This investment is supporting the health and expansion of the Australian stingless bee industry by improving understanding of stingless bee nutrition, pathogens, mass reproduction and pollination efficacy for different crop species and cropping environments.

22 August 2023

Ongoing project

Best practices for evaluation of bee health technology (PH22003)

This investment is evaluating a range of sensor-based tools for bee health monitoring so that recommendations can be made to beekeepers on available options to improve awareness of their hive health.

19 April 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Exploration of advanced control and detection methods for varroa mite (PH22002)

This investment assisted the Australian beekeeping industry in responding to the incursion of Varroa Mite by providing information on developing technologies to monitor and control the mite in the Australian context.

10 September 2024

Ongoing project

Expansion of flies as berry crop pollinators (MT22007)

This investment is examining the role flies play in pollinating berry crops in the Coffs Harbour region of New South Wales to better inform future research into alternative managed pollinators.

30 March 2023

Media Release

Research pays off in India avocado trade deal

Research pays off in India avocado trade dealThe Australian Government’s Hass avocado market access agreement with India is underpinned by a $3M investment into research to support the export of the fruit. Delivered through Hort Innovation using

12 March 2023

Media Release

Tree immunisations could become a reality

Tree immunisations could become a realityHort Innovation has announced an $8.7M investment to trial tree immunisations that protect Australia’s horticulture industries against the deadly Xylella and Huanglongbing (HLB) diseases. Hort Innovation

30 January 2023

Media Release

Aussie cherry industry sets 40 per cent of production export target

Aussie cherry industry sets 40 per cent of production export targetAustralia’s cherry growers are redoubling their trade efforts through a new $1.2M export program that will boost support for existing and aspiring exporters amid plans to send 40

11 January 2023