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Media Release

$6.4 million boost for cool-climate horticulture growers

$6.4 million boost for cool-climate horticulture growersCall for industry to participate in a climate adaptability research project Scientists are giving Aussie horticulture growers in cooler climates the opportunity to participate in a $6.4M

27 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Development of non-biological pollination options for protected cropping using emerging technologies (PH19000)

This investment investigated whether autonomous micro-drones are effective at pollinating self-fertile crops such as tomatoes and strawberries.

4 December 2023

Media Release

Micro-drones could help solve Australia’s glasshouse pollination problem

Micro-drones could help solve Australia’s glasshouse pollination problemA new study is investigating whether small autonomous drones can effectively pollinate tomatoes and strawberries in Australian protected-cropping environments and quash the

2 September 2022

Media Release

$15M to safeguard produce quality amid supply-chain challenges

$15M to safeguard produce quality amid supply-chain challengesAustralian horticulture growers have joined forces with state agencies in a $15M bid to drive supply-chain efficiencies and strengthen their domestic and international trade offerings.

18 August 2022

Media Release

Pink, White strawberries soon to hit Aussie market

Pink, White strawberries soon to hit Aussie marketTwo new home-grown strawberry varieties, Pink and White, will soon be available to Australian growers and consumers after Hort Innovation put the call out for a commercial partner to fast-track the

25 July 2022

Media Release

Varroa-targeting pesticide under development

Varroa-targeting pesticide under developmentAmid Australia’s first Varroa Destructor Mite outbreak, the grower-owned research and development corporation Hort Innovation has joined forces with the University of Sydney to develop a world-first

24 July 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian pollination service statistics (HA21005)

This investment delivered a better understanding of current native stingless bees and European honey bee hive requirements in the horticulture sector.

21 April 2023

Ongoing project

Protecting pollinators from pesticides: Developing safer, selective pesticides targeting Varroa mite and small hive beetle hormone receptors (PH20003)

This investment is investigating safer, environmentally-friendly pesticides that target the hormone receptors of varroa mite and small hive beetle without negatively impacting honey bees.

16 June 2022

Ongoing project

Entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents of important honey bee pests in Australia (PH21004)

This investment is testing the efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents against two significant pests of honey bees in Australia, the small hive beetle and the wax moth, and developing novel biological control options for these pests.

11 May 2022

Media Release

‘Predatory, destructive and useful’ pests and diseases draw a crowd to Adelaide

‘Predatory, destructive and useful’ pests and diseases draw a crowd to AdelaideA pest that can fly 100 kilometres in one night, produce more than 1000 eggs in its one-month lifespan and decimate more than 350 species of plants will be one topic of

3 May 2022