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Media Release

Tassie strawberry growers unite to stamp out pests

Media ReleaseTHREE YEARS AGO, Tasmanian strawberry growers raised the alarm to their Research and Development Corporation after several tonnes of fruit was damaged by an unknown pest. Hort Innovation Chief Executive John Lloyd said the growth of

18 May 2016

Media Release

Global-first agreement with retailers to benefit horticulture growers

Media ReleaseMAJOR Australian grocery retailers and the horticultural industry have agreed to streamline fresh produce safety requirements lowering the cost of doing business and improving food safety across the fresh produce supply chain in

18 May 2016

Media Release

$1 million in chemical grants a win for industry

Media ReleaseHort innovation today announced it successfully secured more than $1 million in assistance grants under the Federal Government’s Access to Industry Uses of Agvet Chemicals programme. Horticulture Innovation Australia Chief Executive

10 May 2016

Media Release

Expanded access for citrus exports to South Korea

Media ReleaseTHE NATION'S peak citrus industry group, Citrus Australia, and Research and Development Corporation Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) today welcomed South Korea’s decision to accept Australian imports of blood oranges

3 May 2016

Media Release

Groundbreaking robots can help growers pollinate

Media ReleaseTWO AUSTRALIAN-MADE robots have uncovered the best locations to pollinate in orchards to get maximum fruit output in a new study commissioned by Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation). Delivered by the University of Sydney

14 April 2016

Media Release

Research to Boost Queensland Papaya Quality and Trade Appeal

Media ReleaseNEW RESEARCH commissioned by Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) aims to improve the quality, yield, flesh colour, flavour and sweetness of one of Australia's most versatile fruits. To be delivered by Griffith

4 April 2016

Media Release

India & Australia Deal: A Shot in the Arm for Crop Production

Media ReleaseTHE GROWER-OWNED Research and Development Corporation, Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort innovation), has signed a historic $6 million co-operative research deal with the Indian Government as it moves to strengthen the nation’s

23 March 2016

Media Release

Driving a 40 per cent rise in vegetable exports

Media ReleaseTHE FUTURE is bright for Australia’s vegetable industry, following the release of an industry strategy that aims to increase the value of vegetable exports to $315 million, or 40 per cent, by 2020. The Vegetable Industry Export

31 January 2017

Media Release

Report warns Australian diets lacking in fruit and vegetables

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIA'S largest ever fruit and vegetable survey has found that four out of five Australian adults are not eating enough fruit and vegetables in order to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Worryingly, the Fruit, Vegetables and

3 April 2017

Media Release

Satellites and guns to help supercharge the nation’s mango harvest

Media ReleaseCaption: Mango grower Marina Matzner (left) supports the use of modern technology on farms. RESEARCHERS and Northern Territory mango growers are combining high-resolution satellite imagery with data from hand-held fruit-scanning guns

18 December 2016