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Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado market access and trade development (AV20004)

This project transformed the Australian avocado export industry by expanding existing markets, accessing new ones, and building industry capacity to support the rapid increase in avocado production.

17 March 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado sunblotch viroid survey (AV18007)

This investment surveyed for avocado sunblotch viroid in growing regions across Australia, to provide evidence to support declarations of regional or national freedom from the pathogen.

6 October 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Table grape export readiness and market access (TG17000) (TG17000b)

This investment continued work into market access and development for the Australian table grape industry.

3 December 2021

Completed project

Potato workshop and market access strategy (PU19001)

This project developed high-level market access strategies for seed and ware potatoes to inform a full export strategy for the fresh potato industry.

2 December 2021

Completed project

Australian sweetpotato market insight reports (PW19000)

This investment will improve the sweetpotato domestic supply chain’s understanding of international markets and consumers.

2 December 2021

Completed project

Vegetable industry export program (VG16061)

This program included market development and access work, export readiness training, and education activities to prepare the vegetable industry for export opportunities.

14 September 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Table grapes market access and trade development (TG20000)

The Australian table grape industry, comprising around 400 entities on 25,000 acres, produced approximately 230,000 tonnes annually, with a value rising from $700 million in 2019 to $918 million in 2023. Despite numerous challenges, the industry's export value remained stable at $557 million from 2019 to 2023.

16 July 2024

Completed project

Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT17019)

Among other thing, this project produced the Ag Chemical Updates, detailing chemical issues and reviews.

9 July 2021

Media Release

Significant funding investment strategy kicks into next gear

Media ReleaseHORTICULTURE Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) has taken the next step in its strategy to invest more than $40 million into long-term, strategic cross-industry research and development projects to address challenges facing the

17 February 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Sweetpotato export strategy (PW20004)

This investment developed an export plan for the Australian sweetpotato industry so that the industry can take advantage of a global expansion in demand.

28 September 2022