11-20 of 77 results
Field and landscape management to support beneficial arthropods for IPM on vegetable farms (VG16062)
This investment provided Australian vegetable growers with crop and regionally specific guidelines for field and landscape management to support beneficial arthropods as part of integrated pest management (IPM) approaches.
1 June 2021
RD&E program for control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer (MT16004)
This project assisted the vegetable industry prepare and protect against the potential spread of the vegetable, serpentine and American serpentine leafminers.
16 March 2021
Optimising cover cropping for the Australian vegetable industry (VG16068)
This investment supported Australian vegetable growers in effectively using cover crops to boost soil health and reap productivity benefits.
12 February 2021
Vegetable agrichemical pest management needs and priorities (VG16060)
This project prioritised agrichemical efforts for the vegetable industry.
28 January 2021
Pathogen persistence from paddock to plate (VG16042)
This project investigated the risk of microbial contamination of vegetable crops from the use of pre-harvest water and untreated animal manure.
10 September 2020
Impact of pesticides on beneficial arthropods of importance in Australian vegetable production (VG16067)
This project investigated the impact of pesticides on insect and mite species that are important in vegetable crops, to provide a series of crop-specific management guides.
23 October 2020
Characterisation of a carlavirus of French bean (VG15073)
This project investigated a new carlavirus found infecting Fabaceae crops to identify where the virus may spread and provided management solutions for growers.
9 January 2020
Improved management of pumpkin brown etch (VG15064)
This project examined the causes and management strategies for brown etch, or rust mark, which is a major problem for butternut pumpkin growers.
9 January 2020
Financial performance of Australian vegetable farms 2016-2017 to 2018-2019 (VG15077)
This project provided the vegetable industry with comprehensive production and financial performance data.
19 November 2019
Precision seeding benefits for processing pea production (VG15039)
This project evaluated stand density and plant spatial arrangements for the processing green-pea industry for increased yields and profitability.
6 November 2019