1 of 9 results
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2020/21 Launch Event
The launch event provided a comprehensive overview of the 7th edition of the Handbook and unpacked the sector’s performance during the 2020/21 year.
1 March 2022
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2019/20 Launch Event
The launch event provided a comprehensive overview of the 6th edition of the Handbook and unpacked the sector’s performance during the 2019/20 year.
29 January 2021
Demonstrating the impact of Hort Innovation R&D investments completed in 2018/19
This webinar presented the 2018/19 results of Hort Innovation’s impact assessment program.
30 November 2020
The future of horticulture and pollinators: how to ensure pollinator health in protected cropping systems
To celebrate Australian pollinator week, Hort Innovation highlighted the importance of pollinator health in the protected cropping sector.
30 October 2020
Insights into the drivers of community trust and acceptance for the horticulture industry
This webinar shared key community insights following baseline measurement of Australian sentiment on the drivers of trust and other relevant issues across rural industries.
14 July 2020
Exploring the horticulture sector’s export trade performance in 2019-20
This webinar looked at the latest trade data and unpacked the performance of fresh horticulture exports across the fruit, vegetable, nut and amenity sectors over the last 12 months and provided perspective on the major markets and products driving growth trends.
14 July 2020
Understanding the market environment for the foodservice sector and impacts for fresh produce growers
This webinar revealed the extent of impacts caused by COVID-19 for industries and provided perspectives on how growers can focus and respond to the current market challenges
8 June 2020
The consumer market environment for horticulture growers during COVID-19
What are the implications and opportunities of changing consumer behaviours and attitudes for Australian horticulture growers as we evolve through COVID-19?
11 May 2020

Insights webinar series
Connecting you with the people closest to the research and investments you want to know more about
10 May 2020