1961-1970 of 3486 results
Suppressing vegetable pests on your farm
Article presenting early findings from a survey of pests and beneficials found in vegetable crops across Australia
22 February 2019
Boosting beneficials in your vegetable crop
This factsheet provides ways to positivley enhance your vegetable crops
22 February 2019
Developing a database of bio-markers for compost quality control to maximise mushroom production yield (MU17006)
This investment is exploring how microbial populations within compost can be used to understand, measure and manipulate compost quality.
12 July 2019
Productivity and factory reject trends 2009-2019
This report presents benchmark data from the 2009 to 2019 seasons relating to factory insect damage trends by season, region, tree age and farm size.
12 April 2021
Macadamia plant protection guide 2019-20
This guide aims to provide macadamia growers with up-to-date information on all aspects of protecting their orchards from pests and diseases
21 December 2018
Macadamia seed weevil orchard management
An integrated approach to controlling Macadamia seed weevil in orchards
21 December 2018
Macadamia seed weevil life cycle and monitoring
The latest information on monitoring and controlling Macadamia seed weevil
21 December 2018
Preplanning your approach to food safety
An article on the categories of food safety risks and how to avoid them by food safety expert Clare Hamilton-Bate
21 December 2018
Improving consumer satisfaction to increase table grape sales
Presentation on how to improve consumer satisfaction in order to increase table grape sales
24 May 2019
Minimum maturity standards for table grapes in WA
Presentation on WA table grape maturity standards to prevent the sale of sour table grapes
24 May 2019