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Completed project

Australian Mushrooms crisis and risk management (MU18007)

This investment refreshed and maintained a crisis and reputation risk management plan for the Australian mushroom industry

26 July 2021

Completed project

Risk and crisis management planning for the melon industry (VM18002)

This investment reviewed and updated the Australian melon industry’s crisis management guidelines.

26 July 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian bananas consumer usage and attitudes study (BA20001)

This short investment undertook research into consumer attitudes towards bananas .

26 July 2021

Completed project

National Nursery Industry Biosecurity Program (NY15004)

This project ensured production nurseries in Australia are aware and prepared for incursions of exotic plant pests and have effective market access mechanisms in place to maintain business functionality.

20 July 2021

Completed project

Economic analysis of the almond industry (AL19004)

This short investment demonstrated the economic contribution of the almond industry to rural communities and Australia as a whole.

20 July 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Vegetable business benchmarking (VG17000)

This project developed a comprehensive benchmarking tool for Australian vegetable growers

19 July 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Improving quality of sweetpotato across the industry supply chain (PW20000)

This project improved the quality of sweetpotatoes across the industry by engaging key stakeholders, including growers and retailers, to establish long-term quality monitoring and maintenance practices.

3 October 2024

Ongoing project

Citrus industry biosecurity preparedness strategy (CT20006)

This investment is delivering improved biosecurity and surveillance outcomes for the Australian citrus industry.

14 July 2021

Ongoing project

Citrus industry IPDM extension program (CT19011)

This investment is working to increase the citrus industry’s knowledge of pests and diseases and how to control them using integrated pest and disease management strategies

14 July 2021

Ongoing project

Epidemiology and management of fusarium basal rot in onions (VN20006)

This investment is developing an integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) strategy to reduce the impact of fusarium basal rot in onions

14 July 2021