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Ongoing project

Demonstration of functional driverless tractor for Australian horticulture (AS17002)

This investment is assessing the reliability, accuracy and cost effectiveness of driverless tractor technology across a number of almond orchards in Australia.

22 February 2021

Ongoing project

Joint-RDC community trust program (ST19042)

The Community Trust in Rural Industries Program is a collaborative partnership between several Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs), the National Farmer’s Federation (NFF) and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) to build the capacity of food and fibre industries to productively engage with the community.

22 February 2021

Ongoing project

Table grape consumer acceptance and attitudes (TG19003)

This investment is providing the table grape industry with valuable information on the behaviours and attitudes of consumers towards table grape quality.

19 February 2021

Ongoing project

Australian potato industry communication and extension project (PT20000)

This investment is tasked with supporting Australian potato growers in adopting improved practices on-farm and keeping up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources and technologies.

19 February 2021

Ongoing project

National biosecurity and sustainable plant production program (NY20001)

This investment will prepare the nursery industry for plant pest and disease incursions, adapt to climate change risks through sustainable practices and maintain business continuity.

19 February 2021

Ongoing project

Resourcing, supporting and assessing biosecurity in nursery production (NY20000)

This investment is enhancing the biosecurity preparedness of the Australian nursery industry through new pest and disease contingency plans

19 February 2021

Ongoing project

Extension and adoption for food safety, quality and risk management (MU20000)

This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry

19 February 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Technology review for fruit traceability at every stage of the apple and pear fruit production and supply chain (AP19004)

This investment is exploring available technologies that could improve traceability in the apple and pear supply chain.

26 September 2022

Ongoing project

Integrated pest management of citrus gall wasp and Fuller’s rose weevil (CT19009)

This investment is improving the management of citrus gall wasp and Fuller’s rose weevil, two of the most significant insect pests of citrus in Australia.

14 January 2021

Ongoing project

Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2020 (ST19020)

This investment is responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

22 October 2020