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Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado market access and trade development (AV20004)

This project transformed the Australian avocado export industry by expanding existing markets, accessing new ones, and building industry capacity to support the rapid increase in avocado production.

17 March 2021

Completed project

Joint berry export trade development (MT20004)

This project proactively managed market access and trade development for the berry industries so that an increasing volume of product could be moved offshore over time at sustainable prices.

23 October 2024

Completed project

Mango export strategy (MG21000)

This investment developed a five-year export strategy for the mango industry.

10 May 2022

Ongoing project

Multi-industry export program (Vegetables, Onions and Melons) (MT21009)

This investment is tasked with providing international trade development support for Australian vegetable, onion and melon growers.

29 April 2022

Completed project

Market intelligence reports: Melon non-protocol markets (VM18005)

This investment delivered comprehensiveĀ market intelligence about key melon non-protocol markets.

14 April 2022

Completed project

Australian avocado unique selling proposition (AV20001)

This investment developed a deeper understanding of avocado consumers in key export markets to add genuine value to marketing communication and innovation.

8 April 2022

Completed project

Apples and pears quality assurance program (AP21002)

This investment worked with retailers to improve the instore presentation (appearance and quality) of apples and pears by increasing the store produce staffsā€™ understanding of best practice merchandising principles.

29 November 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian onions export market intelligence (VN20004)

This short project provided the onion industry with valuable insights to improve understanding of markets and export opportunities.

28 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Onion-specific Phenomenom resource creation (VN20008)

This project educated children about the nutritional benefits of Australian onions through a collection of new Phenomenom resources

5 April 2022