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Realising the potential of native vegetables

This booklet provides a summary of Australian native vegetables that have potential to be commercially viable and includes ideas on how to approach their commercialisation.

21 December 2017


Vegenotes 48 - economic evaluation of on-farm energy audits

Vegenotes 48 - economic evaluation of on-farm energy audits In this edition of Vegenotes, read about the economic evaluation of on-farm energy audits and benchmarking of energy use on vegetable farms. It was produced as part of the Hort Innovation

1 December 2015


Vegetable Industry Export Market Development Strategy 2020

This brochure summarises the comprehensive export market development strategy that Hort Innovation and AUSVEG have developed.

28 February 2017


FacTree evaluation report 2013-2014

This 2013-2014 FacTree evaluation report provides growers with performance data on new cultivars to assist them in choosing the right varieties to plant and to help mitigate the risks involved in this process.

30 June 2014


FacTree evaluation report 2010-2011

This 2010-2011 FacTree evaluation report provides growers with performance data on new cultivars to assist them in choosing the right varieties to plant and to help mitigate the risks involved in this process.

30 June 2011


Vegeze impact report

The VegEze Impact Report details the process behind the development of the VegEze app and how the overall impact of the app was evaluated. 

1 June 2018


Insectiaries literature review

Review of integrated pest management methods to control pests in macadamia orchards

12 February 2018


An environmental assessment of the Australian turf industry

This literature review provides a comprehensive summary of all the data that is available to the turf industry about its environmental performance and best practice.

30 March 2017


Nursery Paper July 2017 - Testing the tree stock standard

This Nursery Paper details the background, research process and key findings of the project to test the tree stock standard, as well as next steps and implications for the nursery industry.

1 July 2017


Vegenotes 63

This edition of Vegenotes provides the results of trials conducted on SmartFresh, an in-box treatment that was shown to reduce yellowing and extend shelf life of broccoli.

30 November 2017