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Case study

Adaptation and mitigation case studies for the Australian mushroom industry facing climate change

These case studies demonstrate adaptation and mitigation options that are currently in use worldwide that could be considered by the Australian mushroom industry.

29 May 2020


Risks from climate change facing the Australian mushroom industry

This summary identifies potential risks from climate change that the Australian mushroom industry is currently facing, or will face in the future.

29 May 2020


Desktop review of the impacts of climate change on Australian mushroom production

This desktop review summarises the latest science of climate change and the expected impacts that may affect the Australian mushroom industry.

29 May 2020

Completed project

Improved management of pumpkin brown etch (VG15064)

This project examined the causes and management strategies for brown etch, or rust mark, which is a major problem for butternut pumpkin growers.

9 January 2020

Completed project

Exploring Spongospora suppressive soils in potato production (PT16002)

This project identified opportunities for the management of Spongospora diseases including tuber powdery scab and root galling through manipulation of soil factors.

10 August 2020

Completed project

Australian Citrus Postharvest Science Program (CT15010)

This project developed best practice management for current fungicides and sanitisers to control post-harvest decay and to improve citrus quality.

3 February 2020

Completed project

Identifying factors that influence spur productivity in almond (AL14005)

This project investigated the effects of irrigation, nitrogen and light interception on spur production in Nonpareil and Carmel trees.

30 September 2020

Fact sheet

Poster: The effect of water and nitrogen on almond production

This poster shows the relationship between almond production and amounts of water and nitrogen.

30 September 2020


Presentation: Identifying factors that influence spur productivity in almonds

This presentation provides an overview of the spur behavior and productivity across Carmel and Nonpareil cultivars under differing management practices

30 September 2020

Fact sheet

Poster: The effect of water and nitrogen on yield of almond trees

This poster shows the relationship between orchard irrigation levels and nitrogen levels and how this impacted almond tree productivity.

30 September 2020