41-50 of 595 results
Growing robust avocados (AV21005)
This project is increasing the quality of Australian avocado production by supporting the industry to grow robust produce through targeting the development of pre-harvest management strategies, focusing on soil moisture, soil nutrition, environment, and crop management.
31 August 2022
Advancing the delivery of national mapping applications and tools (AV21006)
This project will further position Australia’s avocado industry as world leaders in the sector, by delivering growers commercial tools for improved yield forecasting and mapping from the orchard block to the national scale.
30 May 2024
Investigating the control of fruit drop in mango to support innovative solutions for Australian growers (MG21004)
This investment is improving understanding of the molecular pathways regulating fruit abscission in mango, particularly the relationship between activation of the abscission zone, hormonal changes, and carbohydrate reserves leading to early fruit drop.
3 August 2022
Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre of Excellence (MU21004)
This project supports the running and development of the Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Centre (MLMRC) at the University of Sydney.
13 July 2022
Review and extension of avocado pests and their management (AV19001)
This project explored potential barriers to IPM uptake and delivered practical information and resources for incorporating IPM on farm for avocado growers
31 May 2022
Causes and management strategies for skin loss in sweetpotatoes (PW21002)
This investment is developing a comprehensive manual for sweetpotato growers on pre-and post-harvest best practices for reducing skin loss in Australian commercial production systems
11 May 2022
Citrus agrichemical and export MRL program (CT18001)
This project facilitated work with product registrants to ensure the citrus industry has access to modern and effective chemical to control pests, disease and post-harvest quality
13 April 2022
Cost effective thinning for Nashi (desktop evaluation and grower workshops) (NA20000)
This project identified opportunities for the reduction in thinning and budding costs for the nashi industry
11 April 2022
Citrus harvest handbook (CT19001)
This project delivered a suite of training resources for citrus growers to improve workplace health and safety (WHS) during harvesting.
11 April 2022
Building best management practice capacity for the Australian mango industry (MG17000)
This investment supported the activities of a mango industry development manager and two supporting region-specific industry development officers.
5 April 2022