531-540 of 595 results
Spur survival: Difference between cultivars
This fact sheet shows information on spur survival in almond varieties.
1 December 2016
Macadamia integrated orchard management practice guide 2016
This guide is available to help macadamia growers maintain high-productivity orchards with an integrated orchard management approach.
29 November 2016
Macadamia integrated orchard management practice case studies 2016
Find detailed case studies of Australian macadamia growers who have implemented integrated orchard management approaches on their orchards.
29 November 2016
Effect of curative and protective pre-harvest fungicide and postharvest hot water applications on decay of papaya (PP13000)
This project investigated control and management options for reducing post-harvest decay of papaya caused by fungal diseases.
18 November 2016
Reducing mango industry losses from resin canal discolouration (MG14004)
This project gained insight into the occurrence, contributing factors and diagnosis of resin canal discolouration in Kensington Pride mangoes produced in the Northern Territory.
11 October 2016
Increasing productivity and extending seasonality in soil grown vegetables using capsicum as a candidate (VG12103)
The role of capsicum rootstocks, varieties, ratooning and shading in increasing productivity and extending the growing season were investigated in this research.
22 September 2016
Total Non-Structural Carbohydrate Testing in Macadamias (MC13009)
This project looked at using measures of non-structural carbohydrate levels as a potential predictor of crop load in macadamia nut trees.
11 August 2016
Landscape diversity and field margin management (VG14047)
This project looked at the potential protective effect of maintaining semi-natural habitats around vegetable crop fields, in regards to vegetable pest management.
19 July 2016
How to maximise the health benefits of Brassica vegetables
This fact sheet summarises the main opportunities for growers to maximise the health benefits of their brassica crops
28 June 2016
Pre-harvest effects on the quality of baby spinach
This fact sheet summarises how baby spinach quality can be impacted by pre-harvest activities.
28 June 2016