561-570 of 595 results
Managing biting fly in vegetable crop residues (VG12022)
This project investigated techniques to minimise stable fly breeding in vegetable crop residues left after harvest, producing recommendations for vegeable growers.
26 October 2015
Student scholarship: ‘Orcharding the Future: the influence of temperature on pome fruit flowering across Australia’ (AP13023)
This investment supported research into the influence of temperature in flowering (green tip timing) in Cripps Pink apple.
2 October 2015
Integrated management of diseases in macadamia industry (MC12007)
Macadamia integrated disease management strategies were developed and extended by this project, including for husk spot and Phytophthora root rot.
24 September 2015
Energy efficiency on-farm
This is a guide that outlines energy efficiency on-farm as a whole of farm approach and how it is practicable for vegetable growers to maximum production results.
5 July 2015
Fruitlet abscission in sweet cherry
Find a summary of how understanding fruitlet abscission in sweet cherry will be investigated.
25 June 2015
Cherry shedding under the microscope
Find out about the relationship between carbohydrates and shedding in cherry trees, and possible management techniques.
25 June 2015
Understanding flowering, fruit set and crop load in cherries
A fact sheet summarising the results of a study into understanding flower, fruit set and crop load in cherries.
25 June 2015
Optimising cherry fruit set, crop load, fruit nutrition and size - phase 2 (CY12003)
Ways to improve cherry fruit set, crop load, nutrition, size and quality were investigated in this project - including plant bioregulators, girdling, fertigation and more.
25 June 2015
Integrated management of yellow sigatoka and other banana diseases in far north Queensland (BA12007)
A yellow sigatoka liaison officer was supported by this project, to assist growers in north Queensland achieve banana leaf disease compliance on a voluntary basis.
15 June 2015
Evaluate the potential for low-dose methyl bromide as a postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus (CT14008)
This project investigated low-dose methyl bromide as a potential postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus, particularly for Murcott mandarins.
15 May 2015