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Completed project

Sampling for Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso) (PT19001)

This project has developed a sampling kit and protocols for the collection and preservation of field samples for testing of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso) in potato tubers.

12 January 2021

Completed project

Banana strategic industry development manager (BA16008)

This project supported the role and activities of an industry development manager for the banana industry, to implement and respond to industry-related strategies and policies, and provide support for the adoption of new practices.

12 January 2021

Completed project

Impact of pesticides on beneficial arthropods of importance in Australian vegetable production (VG16067)

This project investigated the impact of pesticides on insect and mite species that are important in vegetable crops, to provide a series of crop-specific management guides.

23 October 2020


Legume vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in legume vegetables.

23 October 2020


Cucurbits and fruiting vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in cucurbits and fruiting vegetables

23 October 2020


Brassicas: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in brassica crops.

23 October 2020


Stalk and stem vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in stalk and stem vegetables.

23 October 2020


Sweet corn: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in sweet corn.

23 October 2020


Leafy vegetables and head lettuce: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in leafy vegetables and head lettuce.

23 October 2020


Root and tuber vegetables: A guide to pesticide effects on beneficials

This guide provides information on the effects of pesticides on key beneficial insects that are important in root and tuber vegetables.

23 October 2020