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Ongoing project

Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2020 (ST19020)

This investment is responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

22 October 2020

Ongoing project

Xylella insect vectors (ST19018)

This project is a collaboration between Hort Innovation and Wine Australia through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, to help safeguard Australia against the potentially catastrophic exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.

22 October 2020

Completed project

Fusarium wilt Tropical Race 4 research program (BA14014)

This investment provided banana growers medium- and long-term solutions should Fusarium wilt become widespread in North Queensland.

21 October 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Podcast for fall armyworm management in Northern farming systems (MT19013)

This multi-industry and cross-sector project was established to support readiness and help protect the horticulture sector from the recent incursion of fall armyworm, through the delivery of an educational podcast series for growers.

16 April 2021


Presentation: The work on CPMMV

This presentation gives an overview on Carlavirus in Beans and the impact it has on industry.

7 October 2020

Fact sheet

Fact Sheet: Bean Carlavirus, Cowpea mild mottle virus

A fact sheet about the characteristics of carlavirus of French bean in Queensland.

7 October 2020

Fact sheet

VegeNotes Fact Sheet: Characterisation of carlavirus of French bean

This fact sheet shares information about the characterisation of carlavirus of French bean

7 October 2020

Completed project

Characterisation of a carlavirus of French bean (VG15073)

This project investigated a new carlavirus found infecting Fabaceae crops to identify where the virus may spread and provided management solutions for growers.

9 January 2020

Fact sheet

Understanding brown etch of pumpkins fact sheet

A fact sheet to help growers understand brown etch of pumpkins

9 January 2020

Completed project

Exploring Spongospora suppressive soils in potato production (PT16002)

This project identified opportunities for the management of Spongospora diseases including tuber powdery scab and root galling through manipulation of soil factors.

10 August 2020