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Fact sheet

Flower blights in macadamia

The Flower blights in macadamia fact sheet provides growers with a visual guide of two types of blight - Botrytis (grey mould) and Pestalotiopsis (dry mould). 

30 June 2018

Fact sheet

Phytophthora in macadamia

The Phytophthora in macadamia fact sheet provides growers with key points to consider in the management of this disease, including symptoms, control strategies and tools for assessing tree health.

30 June 2018

Fact sheet

Husk spot in macadamia

The Husk spot in macadamia fact sheet provides growers with key points to consider in the management of this disease, including its disease cycle, diagnostic features, symptoms, susceptible varieties and control strategies. 

30 June 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Macadamia integrated disease management (MC16018)

This project was tasked with delivering an integrated disease program, that is compatible with IPM, to increase the productivity and profitability of macadamia growers and the Australian macadamia industry.

30 January 2023

Ongoing project

Banana industry minor use permit program (BA16003)

This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the banana industry.

12 December 2018


Fruit Fly Management for Vegetable Growers

This publication aims to combine published literature, experimental data, and commercial practices to provide a “Best Bets” manual for fruit fly management on vegetable farms

9 January 2017


Onion Growers' Biosecurity Manual

This guide for growers addresses farm biosecurity measures that can be used to reduce the risks of pest, diseases and weeds that impact production. 

31 January 2018

Completed project

Review of the national biosecurity plan for the onion industry and development of a biosecurity manual for onion producers (VN15001)

This investment was responsible for reviewing and updating the onion industry’s biosecurity plan.

31 May 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Soil wealth and integrated crop protection – phase 2 (VG16078)

This investment delivered the potato and vegetable industry's Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection programs.

3 April 2023

Fact sheet

Biosecurity best practice checklist

This fact sheet on Citrus Canker provides key information for growers on identifying symptoms, surveying citrus orchards for the disease, and what to do if the disease is suspected.

1 August 2018