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Media Release

Sweetcorn, but not as you know it

Media ReleaseSCIENTISTS in Queensland are developing purple sweetcorn varieties with the horticulture industry to help growers respond to increasingly health-conscious consumers. Being delivered by the University of Queensland, and jointly funded

18 December 2017


Papaya Evaluation Handbook

The Papaya Evaluation Handbook's purpose is to develop a standard protocol for growers to evaluate papya tree productivity and fruit quality for robust, reliable and practical evaluation. 

31 July 2017

Fact sheet

New Macadamia variety poster

This poster provides macadamia growers with a summary of the four new varieties released to industry and their traits to assist with selection.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety R fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "G" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety P fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "P" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety J fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "J" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

30 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety G fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "G" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

31 December 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Macadamia regional variety trials – series 3, phase 2 (MC11001)

This investment continued the evaluation of new macadamia varieties through trials to collect and analyse data that was used to narrow down promising selections and work towards the release of new high-performing varieties for growers.

5 November 2018

Media Release

$5M investment to bolster Aussie nut production

Media ReleaseHORT INNOVATION has been successful in securing a $5 million Federal Government Rural Research and Development for Profit program grant, to help increase the nation’s nut production capacity. The funding – which complements a further

8 June 2016

Fact sheet

New breeding technologies for the Australian vegetable industry

This fact sheet provides a global review of available and new breeding technologies and strategies for Australian vegetable growers.

17 December 2018